July 1st Update

July Update

If you follow me on Twitter, you will probably have seen the post I put out in the past few days about an addition to the Blog. I've added the works of Gerry Anderson to my database that I am slowly but surely getting through.

This includes not just his various puppet shows from the early black and white shows The Adventures of Twizzle, Torchy the Battery Boy and Four Feather Falls through to the Supermarionation era of Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, Joe 90 and The Secret Service, as well as his 80s show Terrahawks.

I've also added all of the live action shows he worked on - UFO, The Protectors, Space: 1999 and Space Precinct, as well as some of his lesser known shows such as Lavender Castle, Dick Spanner, P.I. and New Captain Scarlet. Anderson's production CV also includes many pilots, specials and movies so I've also included cast from The Investigator, Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (aka Doppelgänger), Thunderbird 6, The Day After Tomorrow and Space Police, among others.

If you remember my post at the end of March, I mentioned that actors were eligible for inclusion if they appeared in either at least two productions from Column 'A', or at least one production each from Column 'A' and 'B'. The Gerry Anderson shows are being considered as going into Column B.

The reason for that is that there were LOTS of actor crossovers during the 1960s between Gerry Anderson productions and Doctor Who. They probably also showed up in plenty of other of the cult classics of the era including The Prisoner, The Saint, Department S, The Champions, Man in a Suitcase, etc.

However, like the inclusion of Red Dwarf, I'm really not expecting much in the way of actor crossovers. In fact off the top of my head, I can only think of one - Nick Tate. I'm happy to be proved wrong though.

I'm still toying with adding Supernatural into the database but I won't do that until I've got to the end of my current first time watch-through. I may also add Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly and Dollhouse despite J*ss Wh*don being a massive dick.
